mandag den 9. marts 2015

11 different and easy diy easter eggs to try this year

Hey everyone! Exited for easter? Well, i am! It´s allways like i get this creative boost when it´s easter. I know that it isn`t quite easter yet, but when it is then you already have these eggs for inspiration! + what is so great about these eggs is that they are so easy, that everyone can make them!
Buy the way, did you know that Just Pinning Me is on Twitter? Click here and follow my blog on Twitter!

1. Sharpie eggs i found on Paper & Stitch
So easy and so beautiful.

2. ... Or these mustache eggs i found on Oh What Fun
They is so funny and cute. I haveto make my own version of t  this year!
3. These Sprinkle Eggs found here
 This egg is so cute!
4. Or what about these Confetti Eggs from the same blog? Click here
So cute, easy, and festive!
5. Is these Egg vases from here.
Is´nt they cute!? Just lovely, and you can also aint the eggs in a colour.
6. You can also make this cute egg-lights from here.
These could be really cute with some pang colours
7. Stamped Eggs. Why haven´t i thougt of that? Click here.
Seriously! Why haven´t i thought of that?! I´m totally going to make mu own version of it this year.
8. These watercolour sprayed eggs from here.
So funny and easy to make.
9. These glitter eggs from the same site as nr. 6. Click here.
 Pretty, right?
 10. Marbled eggs from Camille Styles.
Marble is a huge diy-trend right now, and you can almost do it with anything. - If not al kinds of Things, so why not with easter eggs?
 11. Gold Leafed Eggs from Martha Stewarts youtube channel.
these eggs is some of my favorites, i just love them!
So yeah, this was my list of elleven ways to decorate your easter eggs this year. I really hope that yo will try the out, and if you do, then why not get them on the social media´s with the hashtags #JustPinningMe #JustEasterMe. Okay the last one is a Little weird, but we´re just going to let it go. (and nopt it´s not only you that sings let iy go in your head rught now)
For more easter egg inspiration click here to check my easter egg board on Pinterest

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