tirsdag den 10. februar 2015

How i came up with my blogs name

Hello everybody.

So today i start this blog, which i`m really exited about.
The first thing you have to do when you want to make a blog, is find your blog a name. I think that it was hard to find a blog name, especially because all of my ideas was already taken. So i searched for help in one of my very good friends; Pinterest. Because oh my.... how much i love pinterest... (sadly so much that i have 3.700 pins) and as usual, my friend helped me find something useable. Because i found this blogpost. It made it really easy yo find a name, and it`s just a Whole blog to figure out how all this blooger-thing Works. I hope it`s as usefull for you as it was for me.
How to come up with the perfect blog or business name!
*note that this picture is from the blog icanbuildablog.com, not one of my own.
bye. :-D

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