søndag den 19. juli 2015

My love for books

Having a great summer everyone? I hope you do.

So before i start telling about my love for books,i just want to say that i knw i havent blogged for a looong time(pretty bad, i know, sorry) but i will try to make a Little come back and start blogging Again, and if anything else fails, i´ll make a Instagram account, and use this site for the heavier stuff. But were gonna leave thatnow, and moving on.

A bit about me:

So i have always loved books from since i was about ten(which is about 5 years ago now so... Maybe a Little bit short time, but that dosent matter) (Matter, tihi. God my Brother loved cars when he was younger.) (Sidetrack? i know, typical me) Ehm.. And like to read fantasy, Young/adult, and historical fiction.

Some of the books that i have readed:

All the links goes to Goodreads, which is a site where you can find new books, read and write recomendations, talk about your favorite books... and more. You can check out my personal account here.

Summer reading / the last books i have finished:
So afterits summer and we have summer vacation, my Family and i decided to travel to france for ten days.which Means that i have at least three books in my bag, its amazing how much you read take on a pool-just relax- vacation. you just, read and fun, read and mor fun and so it goes on.

this year i had Blood red road, beautiful redemption(caster chronicles 4), and city of glass (the mortal instruments three.)

so this was a bit about my love for books, have a nice summer

torsdag den 28. maj 2015

Re-use of a destroyed pensel

Hey everyone, i hope that you all have a really great time out ther :-D.

I have recently discovered that one of my pensels where destroyed.- destroyed, not broken. How can a pensel be destroyed but not broken? I have forgotten to clean it, and then... It's just useless. But i got an idea! What if, i just cut the hairs off where there was painting on, so i had about two milimeters with no paint on? (Luckely my pensel was'nt expensive, so why not try?). I did it, and it was actually a great resualt!

It's a little bit different than drawing with normal pensels, but it's really great when you want to paint small details.

I tried to paint with the pensel just to sense have it was.

I´m prettysure of, that i could´nt have painted those small dots so pretty with a normal pensel.
So this was all for now, see ya next time :-D
This post first appeared on the blog Just Pinning Me.
You can follow Just Pinning Me on bloglovin here, and you can also follow Just Pinning Me on Twiiter here. If you want to yu can also follow me on Pinterest right here.

lørdag den 16. maj 2015

How To: Celtic hair knot


Hey everybody!
So Again Things have been kind of busy, in a way that they actualle aren't that much.It just feels like a lot of stuff(Did someon say vaaacaaation! Yes please)

I actually found theknot on pinterest for a long time ago, but it was first in larst month, that i actually tried it, and i LOVE it! Totally opsessed? I can't deny that!

First time i saw it, was when i saw this on Pinterest;
Click here to see the tutorial

But there was a spot where i got a Little bit confused, so i found another tutorial;
Picture and tutorial from here.
... And the everything made sense! I think that this tutorial is really really great, and if i have forgotten how to knot the knot, i always finds this Picture.

Picture from here

So this was everything for now, hoped you enjoyed ;-D Thank you for readinng it.


onsdag den 6. maj 2015

Easy, Last minute Diy Mothers day Card

hi everyone, sorry for the time i haven´t posted.

So mothers day is just around the corner (gasp), and in my family we have something about buy it all and do everything ready one, or two days before. -So i´m in good timing this post, haha.

Were going to make a mothersday Card with a vase, and real flowers. I actually godt the idea from here where there also are a printable, but  wanted to set my own touch:
The Card is a printable, and there is a tutorial on the paperflowers, check it out here

What we need:
  • Carton
  • Cutting knife (and if you want to, a scissor)
  • Flowers
  • Tape

Let´s get started:               (By the way; sorry for the bad pictures)

  1. Fold (and cut) your carton, so it´s going to be that size you want your Card to be, i took one of our cards on stuck and cutted after that
  2. Now were going to cut or vase, my vase is 5 cm. wide, and 8 cm. tall. Tip: if you want to make a round bottom, tak a vase or something with a wide bottom, and Draw after that.
  3. Take your cutting knife, and cut a line where the top of your vase is going to be. (if you are using double adhesive pads you might don´t need to cut.) -So it looks like this on the inside in the left side of the Card:
  4. Stick your vase on, just with glue or with double adhesive pads. (okay maybe you want to shift around on 3.  and 4.). On the Picture to the right, you see how it looks with double adhesive pads, which i have choosed to go with.
  5. Now it´s time for the flowers, stick them in, and tape them on the back. Finish!

A few exampls on the finished look with flowers;            
(Tip: you could Draw something on the vase, or write "i love you" on the top or something like that)

    So this was all for now, hoped you like it :-D
    This post was first seen on

søndag den 19. april 2015

Cards and gift wrapping diy 1.

Hello everyone. I hope that the sun shines whereever you are.
Today i´m going to show you some Cards/gift tags/ gift wraps that you can make yourself at home. -Note; that there might not is a "how to" in the links, but i believe that you can make it without that

Basic things you need when making Cards:
  • Cardboard
  • ~Thick sticky pads~ (i´m not sure, that that is what they are called).
  • scissor
  • glue
  • Marker

1. Macbook Card
The Picture is from here

Going to any confirmation this year? Then here you have the card!
2. Cupcake card
Picture: here  Webside: here
Don´t worry, it´s a free template webside.
3. Spirograph gift tags
From here.
They are so cute and cool!
4. "Dandelion" flower wrapping
From here.
You could also make this flowers for a card.
5. Dip Dyed Gift Tags
From here
They look really cute, and you can make tons of them in no time.

So this was everything for now, see ya next time.
Xoxo Emma

Please hashtag your creations inspired by Just Pinning Me with the hashtag #justpinningmycreations
Remember to follow me on Bloglovin'! here, And i am actually also on Twitter, click here

This post appeared first on Just Pinning Me

A Little Gift Wrapping

Hellooo everyone, and orry because this post isa Little late. Thank you for checkig in every week.

So i Things have been kind of busy this few days, because i'm going to a three days travel in Germany, in a city called Goldenstedt. You see i'm in an exchange with my school, where they are going to live three days at home with us, and after that were going home to them. They have already been living at home with us for three days, so today where going home to them. So exiting!!!

My Exchange partner is on the same age as me, she has two smaller sisters, and where going to live at her mothers house. So what am i going to give them as a 'thank you' present? It should be something that said DENMARK, but what do you find of suvirnirs that has something about Odense, and you actually want? Nothing as far as i have consurdent (There probably is something, but I havent found it).

Her mother is going to get a scissor, because my dad works for Fiskars (acompany that sell scissor, knifes/spoons/forks, frying pans...). For my Exchange partner herself, i am going to give a bracelet from Pilgrim (so it's Danish design.). And for her sisters i'm going to give them a bracelet each with a silver star from the brand OPM.

Pictures Down here:

What i used: cardboard, scissor, glue, and a template.                            The bracelets.

The giftboxes i made and which one that belongs to which. I also putted ribben on and made a bow, but i don't have any picture of that.

Hope that you all have a great time, and enjoy your Lifes.


onsdag den 1. april 2015

A little diy bird

So hello everyone, hoped that you liked my last post.
I made this diy for some years ago, so it is something kids kan make, because the hårdest thing to make is the eyes which is four dots(two White, and two black). So where does this dea come from, have i seen it before anywhere else? The answer is no i didn´t see it somewhere else before i made it myself, and is completly my own idea(Note that that dosen´t mean that nobody else have gotten the same idea, that is not what i am saying.)

What you need:
  • Paint, i just used acrylic
  • feathers
  • a "remembering clamp with spring" (I don´t know what it´s called)
  • pensels(weird, i know)
The project couldn´t almost not be more simple than this. You just paint it, the eays are made with the other ends of the pensels.

I haven´t even used glue!
I probably already have a new post for you already tommorow. So See ya